How to close a company that never traded
Table of Contents My limited company has never traded - how do I close it down? It’s surprisingly common to register a [...]
Can I close my company and start again?
Table of Contents Can I close a limited company and start again? There are various ways to close down a limited company [...]
How long does it take to close a company?
Table of Contents What’s the quickest way to close my limited company? There are lots of reasons why you might choose to [...]
Can compulsory strike off force my company to close?
Table of Contents Compulsory strike off Company strike off – which is also known as dissolving a company – is one route [...]
Can I close a company with debts?
Table of Contents Can I close a limited company with outstanding debts? It is possible to close a limited company that has [...]
What are contingent liabilities when closing a company?
Table of Contents What are contingent liabilities when closing a company? Contingent liabilities are ‘in the background’ of a company’s financial affairs but [...]
The role of directors when closing a company: Responsibilities and legal obligations
Table of Contents What are a directors’ responsibilities when closing a company? A limited company is a legal entity in its own right [...]
What is a winding up petition when closing a company?
Table of Contents What is a winding up petition? A winding up petition is a legal document used by creditors to close down a [...]
Can the courts or a creditor forcibly close my company?
Table of Contents Can the courts or a creditor forcibly close my company? If your company is struggling to repay its creditors due [...]
Can I close a company myself?
Table of Contents Can I close a company myself? It is possible to close a limited company yourself, but initially, you need to [...]
What happens to debts when I close a company?
Table of Contents What happens to debts when I close a company? Financial decline can occur steadily over time or sometimes unexpectedly – [...]
How to close a company with a Bounce Back Loan
Table of Contents How to close a company with a Bounce Back Loan If your company is insolvent but has an outstanding Bounce [...]
Can I close a company with HMRC debts?
Table of Contents Can I close a company with HMRC debts? HMRC has more authority to recover monies owed to them than other [...]
Am I personally liable for business debts after closing a company?
Table of Contents Am I personally liable for business debts after closing a company? When you set up a limited company in the [...]
What is Business Asset Disposal Relief when closing a company?
Table of Contents What is Business Asset Disposal Relief when closing a company? Business Asset Disposal Relief (BADR) is a form of tax [...]
What is a first Gazette notice for company strike-off?
Table of Contents Understanding a first Gazette notice for strike-off The Gazette is the UK’s official public record and contains statutory notices, including [...]
What is the role of Companies House when closing a company?
Table of Contents What is the role of Companies House when closing a company? You may know Companies House as the government agency [...]
How do I know if my company is solvent or insolvent before closing?
Table of Contents Is my company insolvent and how do I close it down? If you think the time has come to close [...]
Closing a company with retained profits
Table of Contents Closing a company with retained profits Retained profits are those held within the business after dividends have been paid to [...]
What is the difference between strike-off and company liquidation?
Table of Contents What is the difference between strike-off and company liquidation? Strike-off and company liquidation are both ways to close down a [...]
Can’t pay my company’s VAT
Table of Contents What happens if I can’t pay my company’s VAT bill? If your taxable business turnover exceeds £90,000 you must register [...]
What happens to debts when a company is closed?
Table of Contents Will I be personally liable for my company’s debts? We speak to hundreds of company directors every year, and understandably, [...]
Can’t pay corporation tax
Table of Contents What happens if I can’t pay my corporation tax? Limited companies in the UK are subject to corporation tax on [...]
What is the impact of company closure on employees?
Table of Contents What happens to employees when a company goes into liquidation? Company closure can be an unexpected event that leaves employees [...]
How to close a company without paying too much tax
Table of Contents How to close a company without paying too much tax There are two ways to close down a solvent company [...]
How to close a company with no money
Table of Contents How to close a company with no money If you want to close your company but there’s no money you do have [...]
What happens to personal guarantees if I close my company?
Table of Contents Are personal guarantees enforceable after liquidation? Personal guarantees play an important part in securing finance and helping companies to start [...]
How do I close a solvent limited company?
Table of Contents How do I close a solvent limited company? Being solvent means that your company can pay all of its bills [...]
What is the role of the Insolvency Practitioner when closing a company?
Table of Contents What is the role of the Insolvency Practitioner when closing a company? An insolvency practitioner (IP) is a licensed individual [...]
25,000+ Company Directors Supported – Partner Led Service
At Company Closure we have a nationwide team of licensed insolvency practitioners and company closure experts here to help you understand your options. Whether your company is solvent or insolvent, there is a closure method out there to suit you.
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